Land Use, Planning & Zoning
Land development is subject to a complex array of federal, state, and local regulatory requirements and intense government scrutiny. Understanding the interplay of the various development, planning and zoning laws — and assuring compliance with all applicable rules — requires deep regulatory knowledge, legal skill, and experience.
Comprised of attorneys from all relevant practice areas, including our Environmental Law & Natural Resources, Municipal Law, Public Finance, and Telecommunications practices, among others, Best Best & Krieger LLP’s (BBK) multi-disciplinary Land Use, Planning & Zoning team provides comprehensive, cost-efficient guidance. We advise on issues including public-private partnerships; commercial, industrial, and residential, in-fill and mixed-use developments; infrastructure/project finance; open-space acquisitions; habitat preservation and conservation easements; and compliance with CEQA, NEPA, and other regulatory requirements.
Representing cities, public agencies, private developers, and landowners, we establish, oversee and serve as project management leaders for large projects, assuring that the many varied and complicated issues are addressed by the most qualified, highly experienced attorneys. In that capacity, we advise clients regarding the practical consequences of their decisions and assist them in arriving at the best solutions to meet their goals.
Comprehensive Services
BBK Land Use, Planning & Zoning attorneys advise on land acquisition, development, regulation, and implementation of general and specific plans and plan amendments, zone changes, subdivisions, conditional use permits, variances, and other planning entitlements. We also regularly review zoning ordinances, specific plan documents, and CEQA documents for our city clients and their boards and commissions, and assist clients with legal review of other specialized land use and entitlement matters, including:
- Housing Accountability and Crisis Acts, Density Bonus Law, and SB 35 compliance and implementation
- California Mitigation Fee Act (AB 1600) compliance, including rules regarding impact fees, dedications, conditions, and exactions
- Development agreements
- Subdivision Map Act compliance
- Permit Streamlining Act requirements
- California Land Conservation Act (Williamson Act) compliance
- Sign regulations and billboard agreements
- Growth control
- Adult use regulations
- Historic preservation, design review, and architectural regulation
- Vested rights
- Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
- Surface Mining & Reclamation Act compliance
- Surplus Lands Act
Additionally, we represent clients in land use, permitting, zoning, and environmental litigation, as well as assert and defend our clients’ interests before regulatory bodies.
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