Water Quality
Clean water is critical to life and a safe and healthy society. Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK) attorneys have been advising clients on water quality issues, litigating when necessary, since before the Clean Water Act’s adoption in 1972. We offer our clients a seamless combination of regulatory, legal and technical water quality advocacy services to address new, novel or particularly complex water quality issues.
Recognized Authorities
BBK Water Quality attorneys are recognized authorities on questions arising under the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act, and their state law equivalents, as well as the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). We are sought after for our skills in specific water quality focus areas, such as wastewater, stormwater, recycled water, municipal, construction and industrial stormwater permitting, operation and maintenance of water treatment and reclamation facilities, citizen suits and administrative enforcement, as well as small and large transportation and water infrastructure projects.
Unparalleled Advocates
At BBK, our water quality attorneys work on seminal cases and projects that shape the future of the water quality landscape. Our deep knowledge of water quality laws and active engagement in emerging issues also enables us to offer clients unrivaled water quality representation on day-to-day issues such as negotiating regulatory permits, establishing compliance programs, responding to audits and enforcement actions, and participating in rulemaking and other administrative proceedings.
As a recognized authority on water law with decades of experience, we have developed effective working relationships with the federal and state regulators and the nongovernmental entities that closely monitor water quality issues, and we have earned their respect. Our attorneys bring a wealth of experience and influence to help our clients achieve their water quality goals.
BBK Water Quality attorneys advise and assist public agencies, water districts, utilities and private entities regarding:
- Compliance with all applicable federal, state and local water quality laws and regulations
- Enforcement matters, including audits, administrative enforcement, and third-party citizen suits
- Publicly owned treatment works
- Groundwater quality
- Water quality aspects of the environmental review laws and compliance with wetlands regulations
- Water treatment and beneficial uses of recycled water, stormwater programs, waste discharge regulations, groundwater contamination issues and groundwater remediation
- Sanitation and solid waste management
- Water storage and distribution, including how the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, the public trust doctrine and other federal and state laws restrict water supply options
- Legislative and regulatory advocacy
Our attorneys regularly appear before the federal and state regulators and in state and federal courts on these issues. We advocate for our clients and handle enforcement actions, permit appeals, citizen suits and other litigation.
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