Police & Public Safety
Best Best & Krieger LLP’s (BBK) Police & Public Safety attorneys work with our police agencies to ensure that they are compliant with recent changes in the law, through updating their policies and providing training. We also work with police agencies to utilize red flags laws to keep our communities safe by assisting with gun violence restraining orders (GVROs).
In recent years, police departments have come under intense attack for use of force allegations, alleged lack of transparency, and alleged racial bias. Representing public safety agencies for decades, BBK attorneys have extensive experience advising and defending law enforcement agencies throughout California. Our experienced team includes members with backgrounds in government practice, experience working directly with mayors, city councils, city managers and their staff, and serving as prosecutors with district attorney’s offices.
We provide 24-7 administrative investigation/critical incident response assistance in officer-involved shootings and other critical incidents involving police officers. Additionally, we regularly advise on legal developments and work closely with our public safety agencies on risk management strategies and the use, storage, reproduction, duplication, and deletion of evidence.
Comprehensive Services
From advice on alleged constitutional violations involving detentions, arrests, searches and seizures to the use of cutting-edge technologies and new gun control legislation, BBK’s Police & Public Safety attorneys conduct impartial third-party investigations, offer opinions in sensitive or politically charged situations, and aggressively defend public safety agencies and their personnel in federal and state courts.
We advise on and represent our clients regarding the following:
- Emerging police technology, including body-worn cameras, BolaWrap, drones, and license plate readers
- Gun confiscation hearings and GVROs
- Workplace restraining orders
- California Public Records Act requests
- Police and municipality liability claims
- Pitchess motions
- Property and firearms seizure, retention, return, and destruction
- Employment-related issues, officer discipline, and labor contract negotiations
- Internal affairs reviews
- Public integrity and ethics issues
- Claimed civil rights violations, including excessive force, illegal search and seizure, vehicle pursuits, K-9 deployments and privacy violations
- Grand jury civil “watchdog” investigations of agency operations
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