Christopher Pisano Named a Top Litigator by Los Angeles Business Journal
BB&K Partner Recognized for “Hero Pay” Work and More
Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Christopher Pisano was named to the Los Angeles Business Journal’s 2021 list of Top Litigators and Trial Attorneys. The publication noted Chris’ trail-blazing representation defending a city’s “Hero Pay” ordinance for grocery store workers and other litigation he’s handling on behalf of public agencies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Already a leader in the State on public law disputes, Pisano is now breaking new legal ground in successfully defending local agencies to address the health, safety and economic crises their communities are facing,” the L.A. Business Journal wrote.
Chris led the BB&K team in successfully defending the City of Long Beach’s ordinance that required grocery stores to pay a fair compensation to workers who were providing essential services during the pandemic. On behalf of other public agencies, Chris is litigating COVID-19-related disputes on everything from business shut down orders to inmates’ rights.
One of the founding members of BB&K’s Los Angeles office, Chris is a veteran litigator who handles a variety of matters on behalf of both public and private clients, including eminent domain, water rights and health care.
Best Best & Krieger LLP is a national law firm that focuses on environmental, business, education, municipal and telecommunications law for public agency and private clients. With more than 200 attorneys, the law firm has 10 offices nationwide, including Los Angeles, Irvine, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit www.bbklaw.com or follow @BBKlaw on Twitter or @BestBestKrieger on LinkedIn.