Partner Lowry Crook Discusses Sea-Level Rise with E&E News
Article Addresses Questions Surrounding Federal Coastal Strategy
In a recent E&E News article, Best Best & Krieger Partner Lowry Crook addresses the need for a “fundamental conversation” about the federal government’s investment in helping communities deal with sea-level rise and the nation’s flood-prone regions that are facing worsening storms due to climate change.
In the article, “Rising seas expose weakness in federal coastal strategy,” Lowry, a former Army Corps and White House official, and member of BBK’s Environmental Law & Natural Resources practice group, also discusses the Shoreline Health Oversight, Restoration, Resilience and Enhancement (SHORRE) Act. Lowry considers the bill to be the “start of a conversation among lawmakers impacted by climate change,” and said that the nation needs “clear direction that this is a national priority and we're not just leaving communities on their own.”
In his practice, Lowry represents public and private clients on water infrastructure, the Clean Water Act, environmental review and permitting, ecosystem restoration, and disaster resilience and recovery issues.
The complete E&E News article is available to subscribers here.