BBK Partner Lowry Crook Named Top Lobbyist 2023
130 Lobbyists Recognized in The Hill’s Annual Top Lobbyists List
Best Best and Krieger is unmatched in its lobbying work concerning western water issues, especially for California public entities.In 2023, Partner Lowry Crook and the firm's government affairs team successfully lobbied to create a $150 million Bureau of Reclamation program that was authorized in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to support large-scale water recycling projects. The team helped shape the program to ensure its California clients would be eligible for funding for water recycling projects.
This initiative resulted in Lowry Crook being named one of the 130 recipients listed as The Hill’s Top Lobbyists 2023, in the hired guns category. Each year, lobbyists throughout the nation’s capital are recognized for efforts implemented on behalf of clients as it relates to regulatory activity, grants and funding, tax credits and pending legislation.
To view the complete list of top lobbyists 2023, click here.
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