2022 Cal Cities Annual Conference
BBK Attorneys to Present on AB 602, Wireless Permitting, City Governance Models and the Surplus Land Act
Join Best Best & Krieger at the Cal Cities Annual Conference and Expo in Long Beach, California. BBK is proud to serve as a long-time sponsor of this conference, which offers educational sessions for hundreds of city leaders, equipping them with the knowledge, resources and tools needed to advance their communities and assist in their daily roles and operations.
This year, BBK’s attorneys will be presenting on a variety of topics, including: the significant changes to AB 602, new challenges in wireless facilities permitting, city governance models and the roles of officials and staff, and the implications of the Surplus Land Act.
BBK Speakers
Marco Martinez (Moderator)
"AB 602: An Essential Breakdown for Development Impact Fee Programs"
Thursday, September 8
1:15-2:30 p.m.
Gail Karish, Lutfi Kharuf and Christopher Diaz
“Legal Issues: Audit Letters, Government Code Section 1090 and Wireless Update”
Thursday, September 8
2:45-4:15 p.m.
Sonia Carvalho (Moderator)
“I'm Not in Charge? How to Get Things Done!”
Thursday, September 8
4:15-5:30 p.m.
Elizabeth Hull
"Surplus Land Act: Know the Impact Before You Transact"
Friday, September 9
8:30-9:45 a.m.
September 7-9
Long Beach Convention Center
300 E Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA
To register or for more information, click here.
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