BBK’s Gail Karish and Brittany Weidner Offer a Breakdown of the Legal Battle Between CapRadio and KVIE
The Daily Journal Explores the Legal Battle Over Ownership of Sacramento’s Radio Tower
Telecommunications attorneys Gail Karish and Brittany Weidner of Best Best & Krieger LLP co-authored an article published in the December 19, 2024 issue of The Daily Journal. Karish and Weidner outline the legal battle that is transpiring in Sacramento over the ownership of a 500-foot radio transmission tower, central to operations for both CapRadio (an NPR affiliate) and KVIE (a PBS affiliate).
Stemming from an agreement signed in 1990, CapRadio argues ownership of the radio tower, however, KVIE claims they are the rightful owner following a gift deed from the Endowment Board, which donated the tower and surrounding land to KVIE. To mitigate this obstacle, Karish and Weidner bring attention to the importance of clearly defining terms in telecommunications agreements, and underscore the risks of operating under outdated agreements without proper renewal or modification clauses.
Subscribers to the Daily Journal can read the full article here.