Articles | 07/21/2023
Partner Gerard Lavery Lederer Quoted in Law360
Article Discusses The Biggest Telecom Developments of 2023 in its Midyear Report
Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Gerard Lavery Lederer was recently quoted in a Law360 article covering some of the biggest developments and controversies in the telecom world so far this year.
Lederer, who advocates in Washington for local governments on cable and wireless policy, addresses broadband growth and deployment. He says that data from the Commerce Department's state grants show that states like Texas that already impose restrictions on local governments similar to what the House bill would do, end up costing taxpayers more because they have little leverage to force telecom providers to meet spending and buildout requirements.
Lederer says "so the states that had local governments serve as their sort of contracting officers are getting less money, because they were able to force the companies, the private enterprise, to do what they promised. And the states that didn't are the ones that we're now going to subsidize."
While Lederer isn't making any predictions about the future of the House bill or the permitting issue in general, he sees it as an ongoing fight. He says, "I simply try to encourage my clients to ensure that the truth is told about why this legislation is not only not necessary, but is a huge giveaway to industry, at the expense of local government, property rights, and local government management authority."
Subscribers can read the full Law360 article here.
Lederer, who advocates in Washington for local governments on cable and wireless policy, addresses broadband growth and deployment. He says that data from the Commerce Department's state grants show that states like Texas that already impose restrictions on local governments similar to what the House bill would do, end up costing taxpayers more because they have little leverage to force telecom providers to meet spending and buildout requirements.
Lederer says "so the states that had local governments serve as their sort of contracting officers are getting less money, because they were able to force the companies, the private enterprise, to do what they promised. And the states that didn't are the ones that we're now going to subsidize."
While Lederer isn't making any predictions about the future of the House bill or the permitting issue in general, he sees it as an ongoing fight. He says, "I simply try to encourage my clients to ensure that the truth is told about why this legislation is not only not necessary, but is a huge giveaway to industry, at the expense of local government, property rights, and local government management authority."
Subscribers can read the full Law360 article here.