BBK Associate Michelina Hassell Shares 2025 Updates to California’s Levine Act
BBK Associate Michelina Hassell Shares 2025 Updates to California’s Levine Act
Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK) Associate Michelina Hassell authored an article published in the January/February 2025 issue of the California Special Districts Association Magazine (CSDA). Hassell outlines California’s updates to the Levine Act “pay to play” campaign contributions that became effective in January 2025.
The Levine Act, or Senate Bill 1243 (“SB 1243”), is designed to minimize conflicts of interest by overseeing political donations from individuals who are seeking decisions or approvals from government officials. SB 1243, was signed to be updated by Governor Newsom in September 2024, refining California’s “pay to play” campaign contribution law, which took effect January 1, 2025. Hassell highlights the various changes made to the Levine Act, such as the increased contribution threshold, a longer “cure” period for returning or correcting any contributions over $500 and further clarification of “pending” status, among several other updates.
Hassell emphasizes that special districts should consider reviewing and updating their existing policies and forms to align with the new provisions of the Levine Act, ensuring the attorney's role remains strictly advisory without decision-making authority. Additionally, Hassell suggests special districts stay informed on Fair Political Practices Commission regulations, especially regarding the transitional period for contributions linked to 2024 proceedings.
Read this issue of CSDA Magazine here.