Michael J. Maurer
Michael Maurer is a partner and leader of Best Best & Krieger LLP's Municipal Law practice group. In addition to advising public agencies on the legalities of their day-to-day operations, Mike provides exceptional guidance in the areas of ethics, development and construction, and complex transactions.
Municipal Law and Public Integrity
Mike serves as city attorney for the City of Arcadia and as general counsel to the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), which is the municipal planning organization for six counties in the Sacramento region. He also serves as general counsel to the Institute for Local Government, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting good government at the local level. Mike has previously led BBK’s Open Government & Ethics subgroup, providing advice and training to local government leaders throughout the state on issues of governance, ethics and transparency.
Governmental Transactions
Mike advises a wide variety of local government agencies to creatively plan for, negotiate and implement projects that improve communities and expand local government services. He often works at the intersection of the public and private sectors, including through the use of public-private partnerships, to help local leaders navigate challenges in improving transportation, health care services, and housing. For example, he has negotiated funding agreements for supportive and transitional housing projects, implementation agreements for large-scale economic development projects, and agreements to install and utilize alternative energy systems, as well as joint powers agreements among public entities. Mike regularly assists local government agencies in procuring good and services, including for innovative technologies. As needed, he has also successfully defended challenges to public agency procurements, including procurements of contracts in the tens of millions of dollars.
Public Infrastructure and Construction
Mike guides clients through the process of constructing and improving public infrastructure and facilities, including projects that are grant-funded. He advises on major construction and renovation projects involving tens of millions of dollars in public investment, and works with agencies to implement alternative options, such as design-build. Mike’s goal is to help clients deliver projects on-time and on-budget. To meet this challenge, he works with public agencies to both prevent and resolve legal disputes that arise during construction, aiding clients in avoiding claims and negotiating settlements.
As a law student at the UC College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly Hastings), Mike provided legal counsel to local community groups as part of the Community Economic Development Clinic. From this experience, he developed an understanding and passion for the important role that local government plays in serving in communities and bringing about positive change. He is grateful that he now has the opportunity to counsel the civic leaders who provide these services.
Municipal Law and Public Integrity
Mike serves as city attorney for the City of Arcadia and as general counsel to the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), which is the municipal planning organization for six counties in the Sacramento region. He also serves as general counsel to the Institute for Local Government, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting good government at the local level. Mike has previously led BBK’s Open Government & Ethics subgroup, providing advice and training to local government leaders throughout the state on issues of governance, ethics and transparency.
Governmental Transactions
Mike advises a wide variety of local government agencies to creatively plan for, negotiate and implement projects that improve communities and expand local government services. He often works at the intersection of the public and private sectors, including through the use of public-private partnerships, to help local leaders navigate challenges in improving transportation, health care services, and housing. For example, he has negotiated funding agreements for supportive and transitional housing projects, implementation agreements for large-scale economic development projects, and agreements to install and utilize alternative energy systems, as well as joint powers agreements among public entities. Mike regularly assists local government agencies in procuring good and services, including for innovative technologies. As needed, he has also successfully defended challenges to public agency procurements, including procurements of contracts in the tens of millions of dollars.
Public Infrastructure and Construction
Mike guides clients through the process of constructing and improving public infrastructure and facilities, including projects that are grant-funded. He advises on major construction and renovation projects involving tens of millions of dollars in public investment, and works with agencies to implement alternative options, such as design-build. Mike’s goal is to help clients deliver projects on-time and on-budget. To meet this challenge, he works with public agencies to both prevent and resolve legal disputes that arise during construction, aiding clients in avoiding claims and negotiating settlements.
As a law student at the UC College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly Hastings), Mike provided legal counsel to local community groups as part of the Community Economic Development Clinic. From this experience, he developed an understanding and passion for the important role that local government plays in serving in communities and bringing about positive change. He is grateful that he now has the opportunity to counsel the civic leaders who provide these services.
- Daubert v. Lindsay Unified School District (9th Cir. 2014) 760 F.3d 982. Successfully defended public agency in appeal involving ADA claim relating to school facilities
- Top 40 Under 40, Daily Journal, 2021
- JD Supra Readers’ Choice Top Authors, 2020-2021
Thought Leadership
- “Prevailing Wages: SB 96,” BBKnowledge, Nov. 16, 2017
- “Cities Can Sue Banks for Predatory Lending, U.S. Supreme Court Says,” BBKnowledge, May 16, 2017
- “2014 Legislative Highlights,” California Real Property Journal, April 29, 2015
- “Losing Bidders Can Sue When Winners Don’t Pay Prevailing Wages,” Daily Journal, March 13, 2015
- “New Law Changes Landscape for Public Projects,” Daily Journal, Jan. 30, 2015
- “Legal and Ethical Framework for New Public Officials,” BBKnowledge, Jan. 22, 2015
- “Guidance Lacking for On-Street Disabled Parking,” Daily Journal, Oct. 2, 2014
- “Innovative Approaches to Building Infrastructure: Thinking Beyond Design-Bid-Build,” California Special Districts Association Webinar, May 6, 2025
- “Innovative Approaches to Building Infrastructure: Thinking Beyond Design-Bid-Build,” League of California Cities Public Works Officers Institute, Mar. 19, 2025
- “Spending Uncle Sam’s Money: A How-To Guide For Local Procurement When Using Federal Funding,” California Lawyers Association Public Law Section Webinar, June 23, 2022
- “The Local Government Start-Up,” League of California Cities Annual Conference, Sept. 23, 2021
- “Reopening During the Coronavirus Pandemic: How to Serve the Public and Avoid Liability,” Association of California Healthcare Districts Webinar, Aug. 26, 2021
- “AB 1234 Ethics Training,” BBK Webinar, Oct. 15, 2020
- “Navigating Virtual Governance and the Brown Act in a COVID-19 Climate,” Western Riverside Council of Governments Webinar, Aug. 27, 2020
- “AB 1234 Ethics Training,” BBK Webinar, July 15, 2020
- “AB 1234 Ethics Training,” BBK Webinar, May 21, 2020
- “Review of 2019 California Legislative Highlights,” 39th Annual Real Property Spring Conference, California Lawyers Association, Apr. 24, 2020
- “Keeping Local Government Open Through Social Distancing,” Institute for Local Government Webinar, Apr. 1, 2020
- “Housing and Land Use Legislative Update,” BBK Webinar, Oct. 30, 2019
- “Advancing the Policy Discussion Around Housing,” BBK Webinar Series: Innovating Livability for Communities, Aug. 8, 2019
- “Innovative Partnerships to Overcome Housing Challenges in Communities,” BBK Webinar Series: Innovating Livability for Communities, July 25, 2019
- “Focusing on the "US" in HoUSing: Merging Housing, Transportation, Incentives and Community,” BBK Webinar Series: Innovating Livability for Communities, July 11, 2019
- “Prevailing Wage Law Compliance & Updates for Managers,” General Manager Leadership Summit, California Special Districts Association, May 24, 2019
- “New Legislation Highlights for the Real Property Practitioner,” 38th Annual Real Property Law Section Spring Conference, California Lawyers Association, May 5, 2019
- “The Cost of Doing Business: Best Practices for Public Works Projects - Part Two,” BBK Webinar, Jan. 24, 2019
- “The Cost of Doing Business: Best Practices for Public Works Projects - Part One,” BBK Webinar, Nov. 14, 2018
- “SB 96: Department of Industrial Relations' New Prevailing Wage Penalties,” BBK Municipal Law Webinar Series, Nov. 8, 2018
- “Prevailing Wage Compliance: Practical Advice for City Officials,” League of California Cities Annual Conference and Expo Attorney Track, Sept. 13, 2018
- “Creating an Accessible City,” BBK Webinar, July 24, 2018
- “Closing the Deal: Understanding Key Contract Terms to Finalize Your Purchases,” California Association of Public Procurement Officials Training, Apr. 18, 2018
- “Required Ethics AB 1234 Compliance Training Webinar,” California Special Districts Association, Mar. 13, 2018
- “SB 96 – Prevailing Wage Compliance – Tips for Local Procurement Officials,” California Association of Public Procurement Officials, Inc.’s 101st Annual Conference and Supplier Exposition, Jan. 8, 2018
- “Creating an Accessible City," International Municipal Lawyers Association Webinar, Mar. 31, 2016
- “SB 854,” IE Chapter of California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, Mar. 19, 2015
- “An Administrative Guide to Public Law: Applying California Law to Daily Procedure,” BBK Training, Feb. 25, 2015
Education & Admissions
UC College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly Hastings)
J.D., cum laude
Chapman University
B.A., magna cum laude
Bar Admissions