BBK Partner Alisha Winterswyk Featured Guest on “Lawyer 2 Lawyer’s” Environmental Law Series Podcast
Episode Spotlights the Purpose and Impact of NEPA and CEQA
Best Best & Krieger Partner Alisha Winterswyk participated as a guest on the Legal Talk Network’s “Lawyer 2 Lawyer” podcast hosted by attorney Craig Williams. The Aug. 4 episode, “Environmental Law Series: The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),” covers the origin, history, purpose and impact of the Acts with insight from Alisha on the entire process from start to finish.
When asked about the requirements to label and protect animals as endangered species under CEQA and NEPA, Alisha said that “both CEQA and NEPA are environmental disclosure statutes rather than environmental protection statutes. So at their core, the goal of compliance is to ensure that decision makers in the community are informed about the myriad potential environmental impacts that would result from the decision that the local government or state or federal government is being asked to make. In that way, CEQA and NEPA interplay closely with many other environmental laws, the Endangered Species Acts, both state and federal.”
Listen to the full podcast episode here.