Eric Garner and John Brown Publish Art Littleworth Tribute
Tribute Runs as Riverside Lawyer Magazine Cover Story
The Riverside County Bar Association (RCBA) paid tribute to the late Arthur Littleworth, a longtime firm partner and RCBA member, in the January 2022 issue of Riverside Lawyer Magazine. The tribute, “Remembering Mr. Arthur L. Littleworth,” was authored by BBK Managing Partner Eric Garner and Of Counsel John Brown.
Littleworth, who practiced in BBK’s Riverside, California office for nearly 70 years, was a community leader, one of the nation’s preeminent water law attorneys and a published author. During his career, he participated in all aspects of water law and was respected for his impact on California’s water law and policy.
The Riverside Lawyer Magazine feature discusses Littleworth’s early days in law, family, firm relationships, legendary firm Halloween appearances, work to integrate Riverside schools, career successes and more.
“In 1965, he led the effort to integrate Riverside schools, one of the first integrations of a large school district in the nation. He noted later he considered that his most important contribution despite many other civic contributions … To those of us who were Art’s colleagues in his last few decades of practice, his kindness, generosity, and affection for his employees and colleagues were exceptional.”
The tribute can be found in its entirety here.