Michael Jenkins Appointed to CCMF Board
Jenkins a Long-Time California City Management Foundation Member
Best Best & Krieger LLP Of Counsel Michael Jenkins has been appointed to the California City Management Foundation (CCMF) Board of Trustees. CCMF, an advocacy and support organization for city managers, was established to promote and encourage city management excellence in all of California’s 480+ incorporated cities and towns. Jenkins, a long-time city attorney for multiple California jurisdictions, believes that excellent governance requires close collaboration between the city manager and the city attorney.
“It is an honor to be appointed to this role. I look forward to drawing on my many years of experience serving as counsel to California cities and working with many city managers to help CCMF accomplish its goals,” Jenkins said.
The CCMF Board currently consists of 15 members who are responsible for recruitment, identifying industry trends and ways to drive change, implementing at least one CCMF project or program annually, supporting new managers and managers in transitions and more. The complete Board of Trustees roster can be found here.
Jenkins is currently the city attorney for the cities of Hermosa Beach and Rolling Hills.
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