Government Survival Guide for Local Officials
The volume and maze of laws impacting local government officials can be overwhelming. Whether you have experience as a public official or are recently elected, the laws are constantly changing. What is an elected official to do?
Best Best & Krieger’s 2023 Government Survival Guide for Local Officials is a highly regarded resource for elected leaders. The package includes four of our most popular trainings in one curriculum, with recent updates to reflect the changing legal landscape and issues affecting public agencies. Courses are now available on-demand, from anywhere, on any smartphone, tablet or computer. Training completion certificates are available for download at the conclusion of each training.
Who Does What? Defining Proper Roles for Staff and Elected Officials (1 hour)
The most effective public agencies often share key traits in common. Among them is a solid history and practice of clearly defined and well-understood roles for the key players on the agency’s team. When staff and elected officials approach their different jobs with the knowledge and appreciation of what the other does, as well as what they, themselves, should be doing (or not doing), it’s easier for everyone to row in the same direction and move the legislative body’s priorities and agenda forward.
The Brown Act “Open Meetings Law” (1 hour)*
This training introduces California public officials to the Ralph M. Brown Act, which guarantees the public's right to attend and participate in governmental legislative bodies’ meetings. The training covers when the Act applies, how to avoid violations, exceptions to the Act and remedies for non-compliance.
Ethics Training (2 hours)*
This training satisfies AB 1234 biannual training requirements for elected officials and other public officers and employees who are designated to receive ethics training. The training covers general ethics laws and principles, personal financial interests, personal advantages and perks, transparency laws and fair processes.
Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training (2 hours)
This two hour presentation will comply with the biannual requirements of AB 1825 and AB 1661 and cover: what constitutes sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, how to recognize and avoid harassment, what procedures to follow if you witness harassment or are harassed yourself, the potential consequences - including personal liability - of harassment, what constitutes abusive conduct in the workplace in compliance with AB 2053, and orientation, gender identity & gender expression in compliance with SB396.
Course length: 6 hours
Cost: $250 per registrant
To purchase the training series, please click here.
*AICP members can earn Certification Maintenance (CM) credits for this activity. When CM credits are available, they are noted at the end of an activity description. More information about AICP’s CM program can be found at